This blog, created by five Culinary Management students in Toronto, is about finding food in the city. Foraging, and, more generally discovering the roots of our food are central to this blog's purpose.
Let's find some real food in Toronto!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Local doesn't = easy

Like the title of the entry states, I've come to learn that eating local isn't easy. Well, maybe not the eating part, that has always come naturally to me. But actually acquiring locally farmed food, on a student budget, that's a different story. This got me thinking. Naturally I LOVE to cook, but what about people who don't like cooking, or if you're anything like my boyfriend, can't cook. I decided to try and find some restaurants that offer fare made with local ingredients. I found some interesting stuff.

Check out Now Magazines online entry about the topic here

I also found THIS and LOVEEEEE IT!

I always enjoy reading Toronto Life, it makes me feel like a real grown-up. All of these are great too!

P.S. Check this out while you're at it.


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