This blog, created by five Culinary Management students in Toronto, is about finding food in the city. Foraging, and, more generally discovering the roots of our food are central to this blog's purpose.
Let's find some real food in Toronto!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Foraging Day 6 - Sunflower Seeds - Harris

Day 6 – Sunflower seeds

In the vacant lot next door (the house is being rebuilt), the previous owners have left what have grown into sunflowers. Nobody seems interested in them, so I harvested their seeds and roast them myself. Today was a simple task, but was immensely rewarding.

I recommend that this salted, roasted treat be enjoyed in your back yard alongside a delicious wheat 
beer (best brewed in-house, of course). That’s a recipe that I’ll happily pass on to anyone who’s interested.


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