This blog, created by five Culinary Management students in Toronto, is about finding food in the city. Foraging, and, more generally discovering the roots of our food are central to this blog's purpose.
Let's find some real food in Toronto!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Foraging Day 4 - Mint - Harris

Day 4 - Mint Jelly

Today was going to be easy. I just knew it. For one thing, my back yard is full of mint. Anyone who’s grown mint or lived with it (the best way I can describe a garden or backyard that has been lost to the plant) knows that it goes WILD in no time at all. No matter, though, since I’m going to collect a bunch of this delicious herb and make up a jelly for use with lamb I recently brought home from school.

Here’s a rough recipe for mint jelly to go with lamb:

2 c. minced mint leaves
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
4 c. apple juice (see apple jelly recipe)
Green food coloring

Wash and mince mint leaves to equal 2 cups. Add water and sugar, let stand several hours. Heat to boiling and strain.
Cook apple juice and when nearly to jellying point add 1 to 2 tablespoon of mint juice. Finish cooking, skim, pour into sterile glasses and seal.

Let me just say, this was a delicious addition to my meal! What a treat, and found right here!


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